

Planning applications

We prepare and submit planning applications of all types often after seeking pre-application advice and guidance from local planning authorities.

Effective implementation

We work closely with architects, transport consultants, ecologists and other technical specialists on proposals ensuring effective implementation.

Planning appraisals

We examine the development potential of sites advising on risks, prospects of success and the best planning strategy before a client embarks upon a project.

Site promotion

We work with landowners and developers to promote sites through neighbourhood and local plan-making processes, via “call-for-sites”, formal representations and attendance at examinations.

Planning conditions

We manage the discharge of planning conditions by working with other professionals to prepare submissions to local planning authorities and liaise with statutory consultees.

Mentoring & Support

We help Planning Masters’ students with their studies and assist Licentiates seeking their RTPI Chartered membership.

Planning appeals

We prepare and submit planning appeals to the Planning Inspectorate against refusals or the imposition of conditions and also give “expert witness” evidence at hearings and public inquiries.

Permitted development

We provide advice on whether proposals require planning permission, submit lawful development certificates (proposed) and handle general planning enquiries from clients.


We deliver bespoke training on planning decision-making to local planning authorities and others, advising on effective development management arrangements.