Canalside redevelopment in Banbury gets “green” light

On 13th July 2023, Cherwell District Council’s Planning Committee resolved unanimously to approve an outline planning application for 63 apartments and associated works on our client’s site at Station Approach, Banbury. This was subject to the completion of a s106 obligation to secure 30% affordable housing and financial contributions towards towpath improvements, sports provision, play areas, a footbridge and other community facilities. The site - which is bordered by the River Cherwell, Oxford Canal and Bridge Street - is a key part of the wider Canalside regeneration area in the town. It offers the opportunity to redevelop a brownfield site - a car park and caravan site - that will enhance the setting of the adjacent Conservation Area and be highly sustainable, being next to the railway station and close to the bus station, town centre, residential areas and nearby amenities.


Solar panels approved in Oxford Conservation Area


Historic works in Oxford