Solar panels approved in Oxford Conservation Area

Planning permission was secured by CTPL on behalf of Lincoln College, Oxford in June 2024 for the installation of 80 photovoltaic panels on the rear roof slope of Lincoln Hall, Lincoln Terrace, near Museum Road, Oxford. Lincoln Hall and Terrace are not listed but are identified in the recently published Oxford Central (City & University) Conservation Area Appraisal as a ‘positive contributor’ and a non-designated heritage asset. As well as lying within the Conservation Area the site is also close to numerous nationally designated heritage assets including the Grade I listed University Museum and Pitt Rivers Museums.

However, with an all black design and a discrete location on the rear roof slope it was possible to demonstrate that no substantial harm would arise to the significance of the non-designated Lincoln Terrace and that the impact upon the character and appearance of the Conservation Area would be at a very low level of less than substantial harm. The public benefits associated with reducing demand on the national grid and the security of energy supply were held by Oxford City Council to outweigh the moderate harm caused to the non-designated terrace, Conservation Area and significance of the Grade I listed University Museum. Accordingly, planning permission was granted enabling the College to progress the works along with essential repairs to the student accommodation within the Hall.


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